Business IT Security Tips

Maintaining the computers and data in your company securely protected is an essential job which you have to be at the top of constantly. Information Technology has become so important to virtually every business that shielding it must not be dismissed lightly. If you misplaced your hardware, applications, and information, how can it impact your company?

Replacing it may wipe out days of precious sales and manufacturing time. And it is the small things which will cause the maximum harm if you can not issue bills for a couple weeks as you have lost your account package, what is that going to do with your cash flow?

To give you a useful checklist, we have assembled the most important PC safety must-haves for small businesses:


An attack from a virus is the most probable threat to your IT system. Computer viruses have been around for a long time, and the web enables a virus to propagate quickly and readily. There are countless around, with new ones being made daily. If you operate a computer without virus security, it is merely a matter of time until something bad occurs.

Luckily, there’s an extensive antivirus industry that will continue to keep your computers secure easily and cheaply. Your antivirus software will keep you from getting infected and cope with any issues that come up. They are also able to place malware and spyware — programs which were installed on your computer to catch your information. With all the bots on the internet, you will want your browsing and online activity to be secure. Protect your worker productivity and business assets by having trusted anti-virus software.

technology one erp


Whenever your computer is on the web, other people called hackers will attempt to find access to it. A firewall prevents them from doing so and is generally a part of this antivirus program. Ensure you have this set up on all work computers to prevent hackers from penetrating your business.

Routine updates

Among the most effective ways to maintain your computer secure is to make sure your software is completely up-to-date. Since vulnerabilities are found in apps, the manufacturers release fixes. If you do not have the latest fixes, then you’re leaving yourself open to issues.

Just ensure every bit of software you’re running is set to automatically upgrade itself, particularly your own operating system. If you do not like upgrades slowing your PC or hogging your online connection, then place updates to be performed through the night and make sure you leave your computer in charge.

Wireless safety

Sharing high-speed broadband around your company is so simple today, as a result of cheap wireless routers. However, most routers are installed to work directly from the box, which means anyone can connect and use them. That means somebody with a notebook outside your workplace could slip into your router, or perhaps even enter your network if you have one.

When establishing a router you will need to include encryption, so placing a password which every individual linking knows (blocking out undesirable strangers). Log into your own router and look for the safety department. WEP is easily the most elementary safety but readily broken nowadays, so choose the more secure WPA encryption.

Data backup

Data storage safety is as big a threat as hackers. If your office burned down over the weekend, would you have an up-to-date backup of your data offsite? Without it, the chances of your business surviving another 12 months are slim. Backing up used to be tough and costly, but now, with technology one cloud migration, it is automatic and affordable. The key is to back up data daily and keep it in a separate location from your computer. This can be as simple as burning a CD of data daily and taking it home, although this can be a difficult habit to maintain. We recommend automating an online backup every day; the costs of online backups are minimal and well worth the investment. Integrating a technology one ERP system can also help streamline your data management and ensure robust backup protocols.

Protection against workers

Regrettably, the people who work for you are an IT safety risk, either voluntarily or accidentally. A worker visiting a site can attract a virus, or they may inadvertently delete crucial data.

Worse, a worker with a grudge against you might intentionally cause issues or steal information. Downloading a whole database on a USB pen is simple. And if this individual uses your information to install in the contest, you might really be in trouble. Limit access to crucial information only. Discover how to block ex-employees out. Password protect everything and receive information from an IT security specialist if necessary.

Professional assistance

In the end, in case you do not understand what it is you’re doing, then seek help from a computer service business. If your company’s bathroom was leaking, you would call a plumber out, so why don’t you do the same with your computers? Computer safety for businesses is a big priority that should not be ignored. 

How to Raise Focused Kids

In today’s digital era, the pervasive presence of screens and technology poses unique challenges for parents striving to raise focused and attentive children. With a plethora of distractions just a tap away, fostering concentration skills has become more crucial than ever. However, it is not an insurmountable task. By incorporating targeted strategies into daily routines and communication, parents can empower their children to navigate the digital landscape with focus and resilience. Here are seven key areas to focus on:

Establishing Healthy Screen Time Boundaries

In order to help children develop better focus, it is important to set clear boundaries around their screen time. While technology offers numerous benefits, excessive use can hinder attention spans and contribute to a lack of focus. Set limits on the amount of time your child spends on devices each day, and establish screen-free zones and times, such as during meals or before bedtime. Encourage alternative activities like outdoor play, reading, or creative pursuits to balance screen time with other enriching experiences. Consider using a family time app to help effectively track and manage screen time usage within your household.

Modelling Balanced Tech Use

Children learn by example, so it is essential for parents to model balanced technology use themselves. Be mindful of your own screen habits and demonstrate healthy boundaries around devices. Avoid constantly checking your phone or engaging in excessive screen time in front of your children. Instead, prioritize quality family time and meaningful interactions without digital distractions. By demonstrating moderation and self-discipline, you provide a positive role model for your children to emulate. Parents can install a screen time app to monitor and manage the device usage and set healthy boundaries.

Teaching Mindfulness and Self-Regulation

Mindfulness practices can significantly enhance a child’s ability to focus amidst digital distractions. Introduce simple mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or guided imagery, to help your child develop awareness of their thoughts and emotions. Encourage them to notice when they feel distracted or overwhelmed by technology and teach them strategies to regain focus, such as taking short breaks, practicing relaxation techniques, or engaging in physical activity.

Promoting Active Learning and Engagement

screen time app

Engage your child in activities that promote active learning and hands-on participation. Encourage them to ask questions, explore their interests, and pursue hobbies that captivate their attention. Whether it is gardening, building model aeroplanes, or learning a musical instrument, fostering a sense of curiosity and passion can fuel intrinsic motivation and sustained focus. Provide opportunities for experiential learning both online and offline, and emphasize the value of persistence and effort in achieving goals.

Creating a Distraction-Free Environment

Designate specific areas in your home as distraction-free zones where your child can focus on tasks without interruption. Minimize clutter and noise, and establish clear expectations for behavior during study or homework time. Consider using tools like noise-canceling headphones or focus-enhancing apps to create a conducive learning environment. Limit access to distracting websites or apps during designated times, and encourage your child to use productivity tools that block or limit digital distractions.

Encouraging Breaks and Physical Activity

Breaks and physical activity play a crucial role in maintaining focus and cognitive function. Encourage your child to take regular breaks from screens and engage in physical activities that promote circulation and brain health. Whether it is a quick walk around the neighborhood, a game of catch in the backyard, or yoga and stretching exercises, incorporating movement into their daily routine can help refresh their mind and enhance their ability to concentrate when they return to tasks.

Fostering Open Communication and Boundaries

Finally, foster open communication with your child about the challenges and temptations they face in the digital world. Establish clear boundaries and rules regarding online behavior, social media use, and digital etiquette. Teach them to critically evaluate information and media content and empower them to make responsible choices online. By fostering a supportive and communicative environment, you can equip your child with the skills and resilience needed to navigate the digital age with focus and confidence.

Raising focused kids in the digital age requires a proactive and multifaceted approach that addresses both the opportunities and challenges presented by technology. By implementing strategies that promote balance, mindfulness, and active engagement, parents can empower their children to thrive in a world overflowing with distractions. By prioritizing connection, communication, and holistic well-being, parents can help their children develop the focus and resilience needed to succeed in the digital era and beyond.

ASX Investments Strategies

Investing in the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) offers many opportunities, with ASX shares and lithium stocks as intriguing options for investors. However, making the right investment decisions requires a strategic approach. This article explores effective strategies to consider when selecting the optimal ASX shares and lithium stocks for your investment portfolio.

Strategies for Selecting ASX Shares

1. Thorough Research and Analysis: Conducting thorough research and analysis is imperative before making any investment decision. Start by evaluating a company’s financial performance, growth prospects, and competitive positioning. Dive into financial statements, annual reports, and news to understand the company’s health and trajectory comprehensively.

2. Diversification: One of the fundamental principles of investing is diversification. By spreading your investments across different sectors and industries, you can mitigate risk and protect your portfolio from the volatility of a single stock. Consider allocating your funds to the best asx shares to buy from various sectors, such as technology, healthcare, finance, etc.

3. Long-Term Vision: Successful investing often involves adopting a long-term perspective. Look for companies with solid fundamentals and growth potential that align with your investment goals. While short-term market fluctuations are inevitable, a solid long-term vision can help weather market ups and downs.

4. Dividend Yield: Dividend-paying stocks can provide a steady income stream, making them appealing to investors seeking regular returns. Research companies with a history of consistent dividend payments and sustainable payout ratios.

Navigating the World of Lithium Stocks

best lithium stocks asx

1. Understand Lithium Market Dynamics: To make informed decisions about the best lithium stocks asx to buy, it’s crucial to understand the dynamics of the lithium market. Learn about demand factors, such as electric vehicle adoption and renewable energy storage trends. This understanding can help you identify companies well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for lithium.

2. Evaluate Production Capacity: Assessing a lithium company’s production capacity is essential. Look for companies with scalable operations and the ability to meet increasing demand. Companies with established mines and a clear growth plan could be better positioned to benefit from rising lithium prices.

3. Technological Advancements: Keep an eye on companies that are not only mining lithium but also focusing on technological advancements in battery technology. These companies could have a competitive edge as new battery technologies emerge and gain prominence in the market.

4. Sustainability Practices: Environmental and social responsibility are becoming more critical for investors. Consider lithium companies that emphasize sustainable mining practices and ethical sourcing of materials. Companies are likely to have a positive long-term outlook.


In the complex world of investment, careful decision-making is paramount. Both ASX shares and lithium stocks offer enticing opportunities for growth, but they come with inherent risks. By following the outlined strategies, you can approach your investment decisions with a clearer understanding of the factors at play. Remember, no strategy guarantees success, and staying updated on market trends and economic shifts is essential. Whether you’re eyeing ASX shares or lithium stocks, a well-informed approach will undoubtedly enhance your chances of making sound investment choices.

Future of Cloud Computing

Typically, the future of cloud computing will amaze entrepreneurs, tech giants, and startups. These people rely on cloud storage and computing software to sustain their businesses. However, there are predictions that cloud computing’s fundamentals might change to allow more features. Challenges like cybersecurity and database management might require web developers and experts to find effective solutions. Tech conferences in Australia 2020 explore some of these ideas. Before they do, let’s unravel how cloud-based software can be beneficial.

What is Cloud Computing?

Another term for the Internet is ‘the cloud’. It’s a utility service in the IT industry. Cloud computing means service delivery through a network of remote servers. As a type of technology, cloud computing requires connectivity with the Internet to host a computer system or network of remote servers. This set up allows for data storage, processing and management. Without limiting the scope of cloud computing, both private and corporate computer systems use this technology for different services. Regardless of your industry size or type; cloud systems provide computing applications, virtual operations, and data storage and applications.

What are the Innovations From Cloud Computing?

Artificial Intelligence Will See More Upgrades

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the breakthroughs of emerging technologies. The use of cutting edge technology to solve real-life problems is not possible without a computing platform. As an advanced aspect of cognitive technology, machines like wearable and smartphone depend on AI to interact with humans. So, the cloud helps major technology vendors to improve their business models. It allows innovative app developers to design flexible AI algorithms that improves both processing speed and response time. However, the future of cloud computing in advanced solutions like AI is promising. We might see improvements in the functionality of gadgets that use voice commands, gesture control, and virtual reality. Also, the power of the cloud might help more AI machines to complement human interventions. Attend a future Melbourne festival to see these amazing innovations.

Cloud-based Application Will Improve Work Culture

Organisations and individuals need the right cloud-based application to improve customer service. Don’t forget that technology makes service delivery very efficient. While living in a fast-paced world, businesses need speed and efficiency to survive. Usually, computing platforms are available for project management, bookkeeping, data transfer, archiving, and HR functions. Naturally, this cloud computing technology allows businesses to remain competitive. Without a cloud-based system, workers and entrepreneurs might not enjoy flexible work structures. You can retrieve information from one part of the world after your colleague sends it from another part. It’s possible to work and access information without installing software on every computer. With remote access from handheld devices, employees can update and track the progress of work seamlessly.

Quicker Connectivity

Everyone knows the convenience that comes with fast connectivity. Consequently, we expect speedy interconnectivity of cloud computing networks in the future. There’s an increasing demand for faster network speed. While the speed of 5G technology supports application-based operations, cloud computing enables seamless data transfer. Cloud computing systems are useful for mining data, and quick data transfer can enhance this operation. With speedy internet connectivity, the accessibility of web pages and cloud services is a few ‘clicks’ away.

Efficient Database Management

Get an efficient cloud solution instead of storing business and private data on physical servers. Unlike the traditional ways of data storage, the cloud system ensures security and handles vast caches of data. The future trends of cloud computing will enhance the digital transformation that we see today. Without cloud services, live streaming of entertainment videos and real-time TV games will not happen. However, anyone can get online now to download high-definition files or transact businesses. Cloud systems that have enough bandwidth for managing and storing data are productive.

What Is A Virtual Assistant?

Following a traditional career path through office processes can be boring after a while. A remote job might be a more exciting option. These digital jobs are popular amongst consumer brands, producing products such as cool popsockets or clothes. Unlike these regular office jobs, remote workers can stay in the comfort of their own homes and still be productive. Usually, it’s easy for stay-at-home parents to cater for their families while simultaneously making a good income. Without answering calls from a boss, the flexibility of working from home comes with great benefits. Virtual assistants (VAs) work remotely using computers, phones, techy phone accessories and the internet. Here’s the reason more people want to take up virtual assistant roles:

Understanding the Role of Virtual Assistants

A virtual assistant is a person that renders products and services from a remote location for a fee. Usually, virtual assistants get briefs after putting out their bids online. The transaction is often done between business owners and VA’s that live in different regions. Since this type of job isn’t location-bound, a virtual assistant can work anywhere, at any time. 

However, VAs and their clients must agree on a date to deliver their services. With the many new and innovative tools available on the market, VAs are using them to deal with executive assistants and to handle administrative tasks. These virtual assistants can also work from any location for “regular” brick and mortar businesses – not only online-based companies.

Common Responsibilities of Virtual Assistants

  • High-Quality Research

Content and keyword research can help companies to grow and develop their competitive strategies. High-quality research can provide helpful insights for the company, and the internet is an ideal place to conduct this research. The virtual assistants need research skills and time to gather the relevant information for the company they are hired for. 

Apart from analyzing consumer trends for clients, VAs can monitor the activities of specific competitors. Usually, e-commerce entrepreneurs that run affiliate programs need dedicated VAs to provide quality research articles.

  • Customer Service

Both small businesses and large organizations are turning to VAs for customer service roles. Most times people are fascinated to hear the voices of customer service officers at the airports announcing flight information. Especially in the e-commerce industry, customers make constant efforts to interact with retail store managers. VAs can act as customer service personnel, and escalate any urgent issues to the appropriate office. 

The outsourcing of customer service job functions to VAs also includes email management. They can organize email marketing campaigns and handle social media accounts.

  • Administrative Tasks

In a typical office environment, administrative officers schedule meetings and appointments for their managers. Usually, these officers prepare to-do lists and create events with digital calendars. Working as a virtual assistant can help to improve the administrative functions of an office. These are basic tasks that ensure the smooth daily operations of businesses. 

They include the processing of customers’ orders, refunds, and answering phone calls. The VA will require some learn online and offline skills like regular administrative assistants. Other administrative duties include diary management and travel arrangements.

How to Start a Virtual Assistant Business

As a virtual assistant, you don’t need to hire an office space to perform any of your tasks or responsibilities. What you do need, however, is a comfortable space in your home with a chair and desk. As you can see, the setup is very easy, but below are some other factors to consider: 

What type of Virtual Assistant Service?

Consider your skills and passions before becoming a virtual assistant, and tailor your services accordingly. Also, make sure your business structure aligns with your niche. This process might require the VA to sign up with some freelance agency for jobs. Usually, freelance websites give access to registered users that want to work remotely.

The Pricing Structure

Compare the price structure of other virtual assistants before setting your price. One of the dangers of using the wrong price template is the impression of rendering substandard services.

Improve Your Visibility

While it might not be cost-effective to build a website at the start of a VA business, joining an agency can help you to save costs. Since these job outsourcing agencies are popular, you will have the luxury of enjoying an online presence. To increase your visibility, pitch your proposals and send bids across other networking sites. Don’t underestimate the value of building business relationships and collaborations.

Tips on How to Choose a Small Business Computer

It can be quite confusing when you want to purchase a computer because there are just so many brands and models to choose from. How will you know which one is the best for you? How much should you spend? Do you need a desktop computer or many laptops, or hybrid? What about a touch-screen computer or an all-in-one? How do company owners decide which to get? Well, there is no formula to follow when getting the perfect computer, but there are many things to keep in mind which will help you make a right decision. Here are ten guidelines for obtaining a small-business computer.

1. Decide if you need portability

If your work required you to work outside of the office, it would be best to get a laptop since this will enhance your worker productivity. Get a desktop if you’re likely never to leave the office. Desktop computers for business are more robust, more accessible to upgrade, and easier to repair. They are also generally cheaper for similar hardware. However, if you frequently travel, go to client meetings often, or need to work at home, then a laptop would be more ideal. When you sit on your desk, all you have to do is plug in a regular-sized keyboard and a good monitor. Save some money by not getting a docking station; most laptops have all the ports you will ever need.

2. Don’t be cheap

Purchasing a low-end computer will only lead to frustration. Remember you get what you pay for. Buying a cheap machine will mean that its specs are mediocre. If you find a bargain computer, it really won’t be a great buy. The computer’s lack of speed will cost you. Spend at least $500 on a decent computer, nothing lower than that. Business coaches say that a computer is the core hardware for your business, where all your data, ideas and documents are stored.

3. Stick with the operating system you’ve chosen

Overall, there is little difference between Apple Mac OS and Microsoft Windows OS. Use the same operating system the company is using, unless you have precise needs dictating one operating system over the other.

4. Find the best processor

The heart of your computer is your processor. Your machine will be slow if the processor is slow. It is also the most complicated piece to upgrade. You can either get a larger hard driver later on or always add more RAM.

5. Need for speed

A high-quality processor will have multiple cores, and you will need at least two, although most users will go as high as four. Users who create animations, photo-realistic images, modelling, render 3D models, or analysis may need eight or more cores. Figure out the ideal number of cores with your software vendor.

6. The more RAM, the better

RAM slots in your computer’s motherboard are in multiples of two. No matter how many there are, you should fill them all. Put in four RAM chips if there are four slots; this will give four access points to your RAM. Things will work faster the more access you have. Think of it this way – you will get more water from four pipes instead of two if the tubes are all the same size. That’s the way RAM works.

7. Video cards come in different types

Video cards are not designed for CAD work, preferably, for games to work great and have high resolution. If a video card works great for a game, it may not work well for you. It is meant to render the screen frequently and quickly for games. If an error appears, it won’t be a big deal because, in a fraction of a millisecond, the screen will change. However, if you are creating a 3D model or rendering a video, the screen will stay the same for a while. Find the perfect video card for your needs.

8. Buy equipment that is ISV-certified

Many other software vendors like Autodesk execute their tests on hardware and certify them. This is called an Independent Software Vendor or ISV certification. Companies creating software also test the device to ensure it works well with their product. Once the equipment is certified, it’s good to use.

9. Avoid purchasing last year’s model

As general business owner advice always buy the latest CPU, motherboard, and other fundamental parts of the computer. Buying the previous year’s model may seem like you’re saving money, but it can eventually lead to disappointment. The laptop is intended to last for about three years. If you buy an older model, you’re already behind.

10. Remember this tool will be used every day

Make sure the computer does what you need it to do. A delay caused by the network can cost you money which will be higher than the computer’s price. Your entire business relies on the technology available so why not invest in the best technological solutions for your business?

Purchasing a computer can be expensive and quite daunting especially computer parts. You can quickly get caught up with the line-item expense. Bear in mind that any problems caused by the network will also cost you money. It can be challenging to measure the cost but spending more upfront can save you money in the long run.

Have your users evaluate their downtime or any holdups caused by the computer before you decide to upgrade. When getting a new computer, do the same. Don’t expect new machines to be perfect. They still get downtime and delays, but they will positively be fewer, hence saving your money. In addition to that, obtaining a new computer will boost a person’s efficiency.

Common Uses for Computers in Healthcare

Computers have been serving a mostly administrative function for many years. As technology became more advanced and regulations were revised, desktop computers became more common in other parts medical institutions. In recent times, computers are used everywhere, from patient bedsides, medical carts, nurse stations, laboratories, and even operating rooms. In this article, we explain the most common uses of computers for healthcare personnel.

Medical and Patient Data

When checking patients, doctors and nurses can take notes and even prescribe medications and treatments at the point of care. This removes a lot of mistakes from personnel trying to decipher handwriting or trying to remember the situation later on. It is also more efficient because doctors can now enter relevant information on the spot.

Medical Imaging and Equipment

Medical computers often used to control medical equipment that performs essential medical exams (CT Scans, ultrasounds, MRIs, and blood tests). They can even be built in the equipment itself to save space. Additionally, doctors and nurses can now show their results to explain their condition and treatment. Computers have also allowed 3D imaging and drafting to become possible. Surgeons can draft a realistic image a body part for surgery and look at its structure. For instance, a plastic surgeon before performing a breast augmentation procedure could draft up how different breast implants will look at the end result, and show the patient to help make decisions.

Monitor Patients

Lives can be saved by health equipment rental monitoring devices and computers. Computers now allow hospitals to be in charge of lab systems, blood pressure monitors, heart rate monitors and other critical medical equipment. The machines also pick up irregularities and send notifications when there is something wrong. For example, a bed alarm sensor can be placed on patients beds and send alerts to a computer if the patient has fallen from the bed. In many instances computers assist doctors in keeping a tab on the progress of patients, allowing it to be more convenient and safe for both the patient and doctor or nurse in charge. The computer monitoring system also collects useful data from patients that can be accessed for studies and future reference.

Research and Studies

The presence and accessibility of computers in the healthcare industry have drastically enhanced the amount of knowledge and studies that medical personnel can access and use. Doctors now can consult medical databases to learn more about a specific disease or treatment program. Computers can also help by running simulations to try and find causes and cures for diseases and work with other computer-controlled devices to increase the chance of a successful operation.

Communication and Telemedicine

Healthcare personnel is very busy! Using the computer to communicate with one another helps them become efficient and makes their job simpler. Instead of getting messages or leaving post-it notes, they can now chat in real-time so valuable information is relayed right away. Telemedicine is now an option available for patients. Doctors are now able to communicate via computers and smartphones with fellow medical professionals all over the world, and patients in far away areas can receive diagnosis even without travelling to the nearest medical institution. In the case of some disasters, telemedicine can help improve healthcare that wouldn’t be available before during natural disasters and war zones.


Keeping medications in stock is crucial for a patient’s treatment. Therefore, inventories are very important. If a doctor prescribes something that isn’t available without knowing, it may affect the patient’s recovery. Using the computer to track inventory would be easier since it would alert the staff immediately when something is missing, they can then change the treatment plan if necessary.
Many drugs are strictly monitored and must be carefully tracked to ensure they aren’t abused or prescribed incorrectly. Computers can log them in inventory and keep records of these drugs to be checked u later if needed, and eliminate human error.

Computers Made for Healthcare

Aside from the stated benefits of computers in healthcare, further advantages can be acquired with custom designed computers specifically for healthcare facilities. Features of these computers include medical certifications and antibacterial properties which allow the computers to easily clean and safe in these organisations. Safety and hygiene are imperative in healthcare, therefore, computers need specific enhancements to be suitable for use. You cannot merely put a standard office computer in a hospital without running into an assortment of problems depleting its purpose. Medical computers have huge advantages to healthcare facilities in many fields of medicine and make the lives of medical staff more efficient and help patients recover safer. Using a medical computer will also save money in the long run, since they last much longer than regular computers and are built for nonstop operation.

Engineered Timber the New Technological Giant

What is being known as the ‘brand new concrete’, engineered timber is your strong, clean and flexible latest trend. With wooden skyscrapers on the offing, is it the reply to the worldwide housing crisis?

Wood’s mainstream instant?

There’s a miracle construction substance that tree services are even encouraging – one so environmentally friendly that it extracts carbon out of the air instead of adding to it a substance by which constructions may go up at turbo speeds, which lessens the noise and disturbance of construction sites, that may be as strong as steel and even milder, making both construction workers along with also a building’s users more joyful, and also that, with the assistance of engineering, is becoming ever more flexible and efficient. It is the fabric of the future. Its most fervent proselytisers think that it could repair the overcrowding of the planet’s cities. At precisely the exact same time, this substance – wood – is so ancient that 18th-century theorists thought that Adam constructed the first home from it at the Garden of Eden. Mild-mannered, unassuming wood has become a telephone box and emerge as a super-substance.

Its glamour has unglamorous roots with the industry and tree arborists. They return a time. From the 1990s, since electronic technology has been causing the entire world to use less paper than anticipated, the government financed a search for other uses for the wood grown in its own woods. Gerhard Schickhofer, a professor of technology, created an idea, that was to create layers of boards, every at right angles to its acquaintances, bond them together with adhesive and press them. This creates a kind of ultra-plywood, known as cross-laminated wood (CLT). It is powerful, stiff and durable, insulates both sound and heat, and may be prefabricated in factories to elevated levels of precision and quality. It’s possible to create walls, floors, stairs and lift bottoms from it, piling up panels such as a remarkably steady tower of dominos.

As Brisbane remains to host the world’s tallest commercial timber construction and need for the substance climbing, our concrete jungles can finally give way to more organic city skylines.

When it’s completed later this year, the 45 m Lendlease 25 King job is forecast to function as the tallest commercial timber construction on the planet.

The intriguing thing about building using wood is that its durability is comparable to steel and concrete, it may be made efficiently at a mill environment and above all boasts various sustainability advantages, as described by Lendlease General Manager, Tony Orazio.

Dr Robert Foster who is from the University of Queensland’s (UQ) Future Timber Hub, says that using engineered wood is a faster, cleaner structure material than concrete or steel. It’s likewise renewable and may be utilised as biomass fuel in the end of its lifetime.

Australian tendencies

This past year, Lendlease finished the country’s first designed timber office in International House Sydney. This arrangement took less than a year to construct, from 1750 bits of cross-laminated wood (CLT) and more than 20,000 screws.

The Business has also used engineered wood in additional constructions, such as Melbourne’s Library in the Dock and Forte Apartments, in Addition to the Jordan Springs Community Hub at NSW.

Off-site construction firm Strongbuild explained that demand for prefabricated elements such as CLT is surpassing local distribution. This past year, Strongbuild provided $5 million value of prefabricated CLT to get a multi-storey luxury retirement village, and wood panels for an affordable housing job at NSW. In accordance with Orazio, an integral component of 25 King’s layout is that the use of prefabricated modules for every floor.

Foster explained an advantage of utilizing engineered wood for complex digital prefabrication is the manufacturing procedure is already mostly automated, so comparatively complex shapes and cutting edge patterns could be incorporated with little extra price while making sure that the structural timber beams are well in place. These strategies are used to attain high levels of prefabrication – that may have enormous advantages concerning quality management, rate of construction and security on site.

How large can you go?

While engineered wood has advantages over steel and concrete, there’s work to be done in addressing the challenges of rather tall constructions and fire security.

UQ’s Future Timber Hub has been granted an Australian Research Council grant of $1.58 million over three years to engineer new wood building products; send tall, fire secure wood buildings; how frannas and drake low loaders would transport the wood and all in all alter the wood industry in Queensland.

Globally, the level for wood construction has been elevated sky high. Japanese firm Sumitomo Forestry Co has plans to install a 350 m wood tower in Tokyo from 2041, also in Chicago, a 244m structure was proposed.

According to Foster, that has been involved in designing studies for timber towers soaring into 200 and 300 m, there’s a whole lot to be heard from real life studies, however they shouldn’t be confused with “actual” building jobs.

While aspirational layouts and conceptual studies may be great fun and incredibly valuable tools for study, it is important that we do not lose our sense of view. The entire record for the tallest finished timber building is forecast to be set after this year from the Mjostarnet construction in Norway, which is approximately 81m tall.

Fire-safe wood

Based on Strong, need for wood-based engineered construction products such as CLT is increasing despite worries regarding the fire safety of existing structures after London’s Grenfell Tower blaze last year.

Strong attempts to allay these anxieties, telling AFR which CLT can do better than steel in extreme heat conditions. While we don’t have any notion how steel will respond at a certain temperature, wood begins to char at a really predictable rate whilst insulating the remainder of the [interior] wood (layers).

In accordance with Dr Cristián Maluk In the upcoming Timber Hub, the charring moderate made by modern engineered timber components acts as a barrier between the flame and unburnt timber, delaying the burning procedure.

They are attempting to highlight the crucial Advantages of wood and how it may be utilized in an proper way to construct taller, construct safer, and comply with all the factors of this construction environment now and in the long run.

Overcoming the status quo

According to Foster, the largest barrier to the uptake of engineered timber structure in Australia is “beating the inertia of the status quo”. There’s always a propensity to keep doing anything that was not done before, even if it is definitely no longer the best alternative.

However, if this may be overcome, Foster considers there are tremendous opportunities for the substance. I really don’t see any reason engineered wood construction should not become as mainstream that a structure material as steel and concrete in the not too distant future.

Impact Of Computers on Small Business

The prevalence and introduction of desktop computers and online network technology constantly affect businesses of all sizes. The availability of information present online allows almost anyone to commence a small business using a computer and internet connectivity. Computers have facilitated a whole lot of potential in small business and computers will continue to have an effect on how enterprises run a business. From internal systems and accounting software to functional websites and tools like AdWords, computers have opened up many opportunities for small business.

Getting Started

Computers make it easier to begin a small enterprise. It’s possible to start companies like writing a website or selling and buying the product in your home with only a computer and Internet connection. You may also perform administrative tasks such as paying your company’s invoices, keeping tax documents as well as handling a payroll on your own computer, in addition to promoting your business on the internet. Computers have allowed start-up costs to diminish for entrepreneurs and business owners as software becomes more accessible and affordable.


Computers offer increased chances of where it is possible to run your organisation. If you have a notebook computer with wireless online capability, you are able to run business in airport lounges, hotel rooms, public libraries or even Wi-Fi cafes. This sort of mobility also suggests that company operations aren’t confined to the normal small business hours, allowing for increased flexibility. Computer technology enables both companies and workers to be more flexible in the ways they operate. Before computers, workers needed to be physically within their offices to carry out their everyday tasks. On the other hand, the arrival of technology like virtual private networks have enabled for a remote function, allowing workers to carry out a lot of their responsibilities while at home or travelling. Workforce mobility solutions allow employees to access company documents and data when and where they need it simply using their portable computer. Additionally, computer technology enables organisations to outsource pieces of the company to other businesses who specialise in these areas, such as client support or website maintenance.


Computers may have a positive and negative effect on small-business productivity. The constant access to the Web means you could boost your amount of work hours, along with resources such as email and instant messaging allow for simple communication. On the other hand, the Web may also be a diversion for you or your workers, as it delivers the temptation of surfing rather than working. Computers that have video conferencing and other technological capabilities significantly cut down travel time and unproductive time spent by employees.

Requirement for Coaching

Proper instruction in PC system software and utilisation is essential to the achievement of utilising computers in small business says. Because of this, business owners or workers who have trouble learning a new computer program or are resistant to its execution might require extra instruction or training. Sometimes the website design of a business is not always straightforward and employees need time to become efficient at using a system. This learning curve may temporarily decrease the company’s productivity and support level.

Employee Flexibility

The growth of computer technology has caused a rise in the amount of work which may be run from home. For your small-business proprietor who’s in direct competition with larger businesses for talented employees, offering the choice of telecommuting could give a competitive edge in the recruitment and retention of employees. Allowing employees working options such as working from home and flexible hours increases productivity and well being of employees. Mother’s can now rejoin the workforce and business owners can confidently contact their employees even if they are not in the physical workplace.


Computer technologies facilitate communication. Employees can swap data without leaving their desks via instant messaging and email. These technologies offer a written communication document, making them perfect for official discourse which might have to be recovered later. Additionally, these technologies make it cost effective for companies to communicate with individuals over great distances, whereas a long distance telephone call or letter could be pricey. This capability helps companies break into global markets which weren’t viable before technology. Video chat and recording devices allow businesses to have conversations with anyone at any time and businesses are therefore able to expand and make connections with international counterparts.


It’s not possible for a computer to produce a mistake in calculation, whereas individuals often make mathematical errors. Eliminating human mistake decreases the probabilities of a company creating a costly error in its own figures. As an instance, a company’s budgeting spreadsheet might need to take into consideration that a massive assortment of monetary variables and run to many pages. Provided that the spreadsheet is made properly, a computer performs the calculations correctly in a matter of minutes. Many computer software assists in managing business operations such as asset management software that keeps track of inventory.

Innovative Technology used in your Business

In this electronic era, clients expect a constant experience that’s seamless, intuitive and participating across all channels be it social, cellular or in person. These digitally developed clients request advice anytime, anyplace, superior digital services and products, multi-channel expertise and customized, contextual participation.

Businesses today understand how electronic influences their company. Since the client chooses the driver seat, they’re forced to bring client experience in the forefront for company development. Organizations are investing a great deal of resources to obtain a comprehension of the Client behaviour to have the ability to construct digital products with increased customer experience.

A 2016 research reports by Forrester said that 72 percent of companies estimate improving customer expertise as their top priority whether they are a commercial plumbing services company or home renovation builders in Melbourne. A next 2017 study report “Drive Revenue With good Customer Experience” cited 3 versions for quantifying customer expertise ROI and reasoned that a solid correlation between customer experience and earnings development.

Clients engage and transact with the business at several touchpoints and companies are needed to give a seamless experience across all stations. Oftentimes, developing a customer-obsessed working model might take a comprehensive overhaul of their technology infrastructure.

To proceed at the client’s rate, firms leverage leading technologies which help enhance CX such as frontend engineering AngularJS, backend technology Grails for quick software development, micro services led management and DevOps for delivery pipeline automation. Organizations are bidding farewell to the heritage way of functioning and therefore are embracing digital transformation. Listed below are some ways which guarantee a superior digital encounter:

Seamless experience across stations

Since clients are interacting with brands onto a channel of their choice, they’re focussed on providing a seamless multi-channel encounter. Together with cellular, they’re focussing on Smart TVs, wearable devices and other moment displays to reach a larger audience and keep them engaged. The various methodologies that manufacturers leverage for giving a seamless customer experience include collaborative design believing, character growth, top project evaluation, user travel mapping, accurate objective, usability evaluation and a whole lot more.

Internal operations to improve efficiency

Injecting operational performance is the trick to supply superior end-user experience. Businesses are continuously making the workforce cellular, improving organisation broad growth, automating internal procedures and embracing many other agile methodologies. By employing backend tools, technology, and process automation methods, brands have the ability to achieve zero downtime and handle customer connections economically. It even applies to processes such as house extension and roof installation methods.

Personalized, contextual engagements to construct confidence

Personalized, contextual engagements are among the most essential facets of providing superior client experience. Brands are able to use big data, analytics and design thinking processes like design discovery, consumer travel and character mapping, compassion mapping and usability testing to collect insights to make personalized experiences.

Contemporary technologies stack and automation methods

Many technologies such as Big Data, IoT, Analytics, DevOpsMachine and Machine Learning are gaining traction among manufacturers. DevOps is utilized to automate delivery pipeline to enhance efficiency go-to-market quicker; material management systems to offer a seamless digital expertise and infrastructure tracking to remove downtimes. Brands have been engaged in a number of attempts to embrace modern technologies and supply a seamless digital experience to their clients.

Client experience is inherently subjective, but its worth is evident with regard to greater satisfaction, repeat business, lower customer acquisition costs and improved earnings. Nowadays, the customer purchasing cycle is a self-directed travel where they’re in full charge of their interactions with the newest new. Digital transformation is assisting manufacturers to fulfil and exceed the client’s expectations and is becoming crucial to succeed and remain in front of their competition. Often it services company is working behind the scenes to make sure digital needs are being fulfilled and met.

A combination of ferocious rivalry and liberal budgets signifies innovation leaders are going experimental in their own approaches. But introducing innovation to an organisation is not always about throwing bean bags to a corporate office and constructing an internal blockchain simply because it seems impressive. To genuinely gain a competitive edge, innovation applications need to look to encourage the evolution of new ideas which may be nearly delivered actual organisational change.

Try new thoughts, Quick

Peter Williams, Deloitte’s chief border officer and former CEO of Deloitte Digital, speaking recently at Oracle’s Modern Business Expertise in Sydney, characterized invention as attempting new ideas. He suggested success requires shifting the definition of back to front. Start with thoughts, embrace and attempt new things and if need be, fail quickly. Simply speaking, the experiment but make sure you are well endorsed to proceed to another thought.

This may imply CIOs will need to reevaluate their technician stack to better match the character of this app. “As an agency” purchasing models are great for experimental applications since they remove the time cost and investment of expensive technology systems. You simply pay for what you use so failure becomes costly.

Be prepared

The top innovators are always prepared to strike. This implies recognising and actioning fresh chances. Former HP CTO Phil McKinney famously stated that when it comes to invention, an oz of implementation is worth over a ton of concept.

For technology leaders, this necessitates a change, moving from the builder of technologies to embracing a visionary mindset, establishing leadership and guiding the organisation together with the ideal path.

From private cloud computing to APIs, engineering is ensuring IT departments have more construction blocks in their disposal than ever before. From new cellular capabilities such as chatbots or AI-driven cybersecurity to automatic advertising tools which offer real-time, actionable insight, emerging technology is giving a strong platform for innovation. The challenge lies in identifying and leveraging the ideal ones.

With numerous emerging technologies along with the hype that surrounds them, it’s very important to stay somewhat agnostic, to avoid being pigeonholed in any 1 fashion. Tech leaders must keep a very clear plan and choose a modular approach. This enables innovation teams to keep up with rapidly evolving technologies cycles and stand apart from competitors while generating visible results.

Asia’s fastest growing online fashion retailer, Zalora, is a fantastic example of a company who has leveraged invention to make tangible business results. Recognising the necessity to innovate, Zalora utilized cloud to take part in communications that is personalised with over 10 million followers. Zalora’s regional head of customer relationship management, Joshua Tan, clarified that evolving client expectations generated a new demand for info, individualised communications. Beginning from a cloud-first infrastructure and finding the ideal cloud resources, Zalora immediately integrated the new alternative and may talk to clients in a more pertinent and private manner.

In regards to innovation, there is never a wrong time to begin — particularly as the speed of electronic disruption proceeds to quickly advance. With the ability of new technologies, companies throughout the board today have the chance to integrate new methods of thinking in their enterprise, with considerably lower hazard.

Why we should not fear Ai

First of all, we consistently overreact to new technologies. Our default, evolutionary response to new things that we don’t understand is to fear the worst.

Nowadays, the fear is promulgated by a flood of dystopian Hollywood movies and negative news that keeps us in fear of the future.

In the 1980’s, when DNA restriction enzymes were discovered, making genetic engineering possible, the fear mongers warned the world of devastating killer engineered viruses and mutated life forms.

What we got was miracle drugs and extraordinary increases in food production.

Rather than extensive government regulations, a group of biologists, physicians and even lawyers came together at the Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA to discuss the potential biohazards and regulation of biotechnology and to draw up voluntary guidelines to ensure the safety of recombinant DNA technology.

The guidelines they came up with allowed the researchers to move forward safely and continue to innovate, and we’ve been using them for 30 years.