Business IT Security Tips

Maintaining the computers and data in your company securely protected is an essential job which you have to be at the top of constantly. Information Technology has become so important to virtually every business that shielding it must not be dismissed lightly. If you misplaced your hardware, applications, and information, how can it impact your company?

Replacing it may wipe out days of precious sales and manufacturing time. And it is the small things which will cause the maximum harm if you can not issue bills for a couple weeks as you have lost your account package, what is that going to do with your cash flow?

To give you a useful checklist, we have assembled the most important PC safety must-haves for small businesses:


An attack from a virus is the most probable threat to your IT system. Computer viruses have been around for a long time, and the web enables a virus to propagate quickly and readily. There are countless around, with new ones being made daily. If you operate a computer without virus security, it is merely a matter of time until something bad occurs.

Luckily, there’s an extensive antivirus industry that will continue to keep your computers secure easily and cheaply. Your antivirus software will keep you from getting infected and cope with any issues that come up. They are also able to place malware and spyware — programs which were installed on your computer to catch your information. With all the bots on the internet, you will want your browsing and online activity to be secure. Protect your worker productivity and business assets by having trusted anti-virus software.

technology one erp


Whenever your computer is on the web, other people called hackers will attempt to find access to it. A firewall prevents them from doing so and is generally a part of this antivirus program. Ensure you have this set up on all work computers to prevent hackers from penetrating your business.

Routine updates

Among the most effective ways to maintain your computer secure is to make sure your software is completely up-to-date. Since vulnerabilities are found in apps, the manufacturers release fixes. If you do not have the latest fixes, then you’re leaving yourself open to issues.

Just ensure every bit of software you’re running is set to automatically upgrade itself, particularly your own operating system. If you do not like upgrades slowing your PC or hogging your online connection, then place updates to be performed through the night and make sure you leave your computer in charge.

Wireless safety

Sharing high-speed broadband around your company is so simple today, as a result of cheap wireless routers. However, most routers are installed to work directly from the box, which means anyone can connect and use them. That means somebody with a notebook outside your workplace could slip into your router, or perhaps even enter your network if you have one.

When establishing a router you will need to include encryption, so placing a password which every individual linking knows (blocking out undesirable strangers). Log into your own router and look for the safety department. WEP is easily the most elementary safety but readily broken nowadays, so choose the more secure WPA encryption.

Data backup

Data storage safety is as big a threat as hackers. If your office burned down over the weekend, would you have an up-to-date backup of your data offsite? Without it, the chances of your business surviving another 12 months are slim. Backing up used to be tough and costly, but now, with technology one cloud migration, it is automatic and affordable. The key is to back up data daily and keep it in a separate location from your computer. This can be as simple as burning a CD of data daily and taking it home, although this can be a difficult habit to maintain. We recommend automating an online backup every day; the costs of online backups are minimal and well worth the investment. Integrating a technology one ERP system can also help streamline your data management and ensure robust backup protocols.

Protection against workers

Regrettably, the people who work for you are an IT safety risk, either voluntarily or accidentally. A worker visiting a site can attract a virus, or they may inadvertently delete crucial data.

Worse, a worker with a grudge against you might intentionally cause issues or steal information. Downloading a whole database on a USB pen is simple. And if this individual uses your information to install in the contest, you might really be in trouble. Limit access to crucial information only. Discover how to block ex-employees out. Password protect everything and receive information from an IT security specialist if necessary.

Professional assistance

In the end, in case you do not understand what it is you’re doing, then seek help from a computer service business. If your company’s bathroom was leaking, you would call a plumber out, so why don’t you do the same with your computers? Computer safety for businesses is a big priority that should not be ignored. 


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